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Update to business operations during the COVID-19 pandemic

To all our customers :

It seems that the overwhelming panic has settled as of now, although the amount of business and product availability is still something we have to deal with on a daily basis, again we are in a good position to stay on top of that if we have to make some adjustments to our ordering and every day procedures.

We will go ahead and start taking phone and e –mail orders again since that will help to alleviate the amount of people in the store at one time. We also changed the limit to 3 people in the store at one time abiding by the 6ft-distancing rule the CDC wants the public to follow.

The virus is thought to spread mainly from personto-person, including: ■ Between people who are in close contact with one another (within about 6 feet).

We are in the process of getting a "Stay Home Party Pack" together so keep posted on that announcement. We will be able to take phone orders & payments for this as well as online orders & payments soon.

We hope you all understand we are doing everything possible to stay in stock and continue to provide meats and produce for your families during this time.

Thanks David & Pat Doñes

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